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Girl maybe you should look else where....

Leta Cent July 19, 2021 10:34 pm

So let's just agree to disagree about who is the best girl but can I say that I actually don't like the ml. I think both girls deserve better.

It's sad cause I used to think he was cute. But now he is annoying with how he is running around I both Yona and soohyun. Like he is a friends with benefits with one and has been hopping form the beginning to sexual with the other. He lectures soohyun on only want a " physical relationship" even though she is dating. Yet here he is going to a gym to have casual sex with anyone and even has a sex friend. I think just the fact that he has a sex friend is something he should think about too. Like Yona and soohyun also deserve to know that hey he doesn't want to be an exclusive sex friend.( I know you don't have to be exclusive as sex friends but at least tell those involved so they know and definitely don't lecture some on infidelity and being casual when you are doing somewhat the same.)

I am really wishing for him to be the ones to change now. I really want every girl in a this manga to have a partner that is transparent about sex and isn't giving in just cause a girl asks for sex ( like the almost cheating part or the part where he had sex with Yona who was pissed drunk, I really wish he would show self restraint) and most off all I wish they had someone who didn't give in to his dick all the time. Like he " walked" to the park all them in the beginning to catch glimpses of soohyun. Somewhat sexually harassed her ( well cause of another girl but he still could have said no) in some of the trainings and hoped she would touch him when they were training. Gets physical with yona when ever and where ever. Yet he still has the balls to lecture soohyun. He didn't even giver her a chance to explain that she is now single.

In the beginning I though the ml was adorable and I had parts that only made me dislike Yona or Soohyun here or there but I have actually started to hate more about the ml. The two girls are trying to be clear they want to try to be with him yet he can't make up his mind about which of them to be with or why he even wants them for that matter. He seems like he likes both physically then he does emotionally after all. thanks

    Leta Cent July 19, 2021 10:45 pm

    Welp, just read the RAWS and I hate him more now. He really just loves to use his dick and has no restraint.

    He is an ass for criticising Soohyun cause he thought he would just be a side fling to her. Why criticize her cause he doesnt want be in a physical and casual fuck yet he can immediatly run into the arms of another girl? Is he going to tell me he is serious about both soohyun and Yona? Then why as soohyun about being with him and the ex when he is doing the exact same thing.

    Girls you both deserve better. Soohyun baby is being bothered by the ex and here is the ml being cozy with another. Yup girl block hem both, move from your apartment, and quit your job. Those boys aren't worth all the headacks.