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Terrence July 19, 2021 11:38 pm

I DONT CARE ABOUT THE PAST GOD DAMMIT we already know Joseph was best sweet boi and Dad is asshole

Speaking of which. This is off topic but the dad’s redemption arc so far is pretty weak is that just me? “If this was a female mother character who treated her daughter like this could you forgive her?” The answer was no.

He is very similar to Claude from “Who Made me a Princess” in being a parent to neglect, and ultimately kill the protagonist. Claude by comparison is extremely well written from beginning to end in his arc of redemption.

This father however isn’t written to be rooted for, the author wants us to like him but ultimately it isn’t making us grow to cherish and care for his growth like in the instance of Claude. I’m rambling but has anyone else noticed that?

I’ve read a lot of reincarnation stories and I mean a lot. I really love ones with well written redemption buts it hard to write so it’s rare that it makes a point. Usually it’s “Sorry I abused you for decades of you child and adult life” with no real force behind their change as a person. I hope the story chooses not for redeem the father or give us something to root for bc neglect is abuse. It’s even more prevalent and heartbreaking I’m the novel that he was plainly cruel. At first I wanted to cut him some slack but I thought to myself

    Angie July 20, 2021 12:48 am

    I completely agree with you bc I also thought of the same thing.