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Why are you uploading when the author told yall to take it down? Pls don't do this, think ...

Chan's bAbY gOrL July 20, 2021 2:28 am

Why are you uploading when the author told yall to take it down? Pls don't do this, think of what the author is going through. I read illegally too but if the author doesn't want her webtoon here and personally contacted the uploader not to do this anymore then stop.

    Kimu July 20, 2021 2:35 am

    Where did the author say that I wanna read legally if she did cuz I feel bad I wanna continue reading it too

    nana July 20, 2021 2:39 am
    Where did the author say that I wanna read legally if she did cuz I feel bad I wanna continue reading it too Kimu

    She dm one of the uploaders I think saying that it affects the quality of her work because of the stress she’s going through