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i have a question abt like half of the yaoi mangas ive read so far

alltheyaoiboyz July 20, 2021 6:33 am

ive honestly always wondered this but like, uh how do i say this? uk how sometimes they just randomly have seggs whenever and wherever? like preparation exists and thats okay but like, what if there was shit in there? ik its weird but that place, the rectum is used for storing feces so if we were being realistic....
yeah ik its weird to be concerned abt smtg like this but yeah it just really bothers me sometimes

    yaya July 20, 2021 6:36 am

    i think about that too lmao or like how somehow in mangas they never have hair near their buttholes like i doubt they all shave down there

    Mikazuki Jun July 20, 2021 6:37 am

    Call it yaoi logic

    gothiathan July 20, 2021 7:20 am

    (⊙…⊙ ) i am not ready to dive into this train of thought, thanks