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I understand yoonseul shlda be shitted on bc his indecisiveness caused actions that hurt j...

W0t July 20, 2021 12:18 pm

I understand yoonseul shlda be shitted on bc his indecisiveness caused actions that hurt joon but some of yall coming off too strong with the hate lmfao as if other manhwa tops aint more toxic but at least dis man is trying his best(?) to made amendments

    Ciel July 20, 2021 12:47 pm

    Ikr like in other manhwas the seme just apologizes once and they have sex and everyone is satisfied which is of course wrong but in this manhwa they are way too harsh on the seme like the guy has been suffering for like 5 chapters and they still hate on him like at least wish him the best or something

    chi_nacci July 20, 2021 2:37 pm

    Say it again.. Louder for the people in the back..

    W0t July 21, 2021 7:47 am
    Ikr like in other manhwas the seme just apologizes once and they have sex and everyone is satisfied which is of course wrong but in this manhwa they are way too harsh on the seme like the guy has been suffering... Ciel

    Rights its so ridiculous when im pretty sure some of these readers are the same ones who forgive tops like seungho again and again for his actions but when it comes to yoonseul hurting joon's feelings bc he himself dont know how to process and express attraction ppl suddenly are acting as if his worst than those antagonists in manhwa's like chile