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Since everyone is fighting Imma write my thoughts on this as well

:)) July 20, 2021 4:16 pm

"A lonely man falls inlove w/ a child" is a rlly weird line to add there. Being friends w/ a random child when you're an adult is already weird as it is. I'm not that sure if the older guy had romantic feelings for the kid before (he probably has), so I feel very iffy abt this. Yes ik he doesn't feel sexually attracted to the child but even if he was only romantically attracted to him it's still not a good thing. Ch2 pg11 makes it even more weird and in ch2 pg20, he says something abt love letters which most of the time, correlates to romance. It would have been much better if it was properly explained but it wasn't.

I'm fine w/ age gaps but this is low-key borderline pedo. Don't get me wrong, the story is alright (w/out the adult being inlove w/ a child thing) and the art is great though it's quite rushed.

    tomokokuroki July 21, 2021 8:15 am

    Whole-heartedly agree, I love this author's other works, not saying I hate this one but I feel it could've been expanded more upon like, 'when you mean "in love with a child" please explain how a grown ass man can fall in love with a kid, (assuming the love is romantic and not in a paternal or deep symbolic 'oh how I miss my youth' route, however, considering how fast the mc was to date the younger man I assume the author meant this relationship to be in a romantic setting from the get-go) instead of just giving the reader one or two chapters of the main charcter's hesitancy to date the young man he knew when, said, young man was a child. All in all, I agree the story may have been a lot rushed, and it could've been a good story if they just subtracted the whole: 'Grown lonely man falls in love with child, and one legal age later they are dating' (like the legal age somehow makes it ok to fall in love with a literal elementary grade school kid??) I don't know I just think it was in poor taste. There's more but I ain't hating on the author just maybe do better author-san! Which they CAN the other works I read were pretty wholesome.

    Any2791 July 24, 2021 5:14 am

    There is also the translation, in Japanese they have different kinds of words that they all translate to "love" but not quite the romantic one, so it can be opened to interpretation on that side too

    JINLOVEMITSUYA January 17, 2024 6:02 am

    i don't think adult friend with kid is weird ,if it's just friend .what so wrong with that .

    JINLOVEMITSUYA January 17, 2024 6:03 am

    of course i am not talking about he had feeling for him, i am talking about just friend

    Poosiluver69 January 17, 2024 12:37 pm
    i don't think adult friend with kid is weird ,if it's just friend .what so wrong with that . JINLOVEMITSUYA

    Most of the time ppl who do befriend kids r creeps so I was just basing it off of that also being actual friends (not acquaintances or being a care taker or just playing with the kid or having familial bond) with a random kid you don't know is??? Why do would you purposefully go out of ur way to befriend an elementary kid as an adult when you can befriend ppl ur age?? I don't get it idk abt ur definition of friendship so maybe it's just me but yeah as an adult I will never even think about being actual friends with a random 7yo

    JINLOVEMITSUYA January 18, 2024 4:19 am
    Most of the time ppl who do befriend kids r creeps so I was just basing it off of that also being actual friends (not acquaintances or being a care taker or just playing with the kid or having familial bond) wi... Poosiluver69

    i disagree, the place i used to work there is a store run by a family .the owner of the store always came to our company (work related)the couple always chat with me and i sometime saw their kid. for me i don't treat kid like some other adult ,yelling at them ,scold them.i treated them like a friend when i talked to them. so that's it .i treated them like friend but i don't hang out with them ,only when i went to their store when their kid was there they came and talked to me and i just replied them back like a friend .
    maybe this because i had cousin that used to be my best friend ,my cousin was 5 years old and i was 16 years old-17 years old we lived in the same house ,so my cousin was the only one i can shared about my problem .
    but it's just friend not more than that ,that's what i meant.