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I’m sry but fuck no… i hate when there r potential in mangas but it gets ruined by ran...

Dqip July 20, 2021 9:29 pm

I’m sry but fuck no… i hate when there r potential in mangas but it gets ruined by random girls who decide to stick to the mc just because the mc is strong or just because they want strength… like bitch first of all the mc didn’t even want to get involved but their pushy attitude always leads to the mc letting them do what they want which just pisses me off… also the mc literally doesn’t have to do that bitch a favor she literally has nothing to offer him… he could literally get first w/o even helping her I dotn get why the author made it so he sleeps w a girl he doesn’t even like… I swear if she starts sticking to him even more and develops feelings I’m gonna get fucking pissed
