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What...sana's mom did it with her UNCLE and what's more, she was just FOURTEEN????!!!!! Sa...

Anonymous October 10, 2016 4:38 am

What...sana's mom did it with her UNCLE and what's more, she was just FOURTEEN????!!!!! Sana doesn't mind about it but If i were her, i would have never forgive the "mother".

    Ahiru December 3, 2016 4:27 am

    Yeah, I thought she was sexually abused or something like that. But I just have hope that the mother and the uncle have no relation or shared blood (That can sometimes happen, an aunt marries a man who is basically an uncle-in-law). I've never read the manga, I've watched the entire anime and I know they're different. And I don't approve of them doing it at all, I'm just hoping it wasn't incest because that would make my stomach turn.