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SPOILERSSSSSS next 4 chapters

Zippy19 July 21, 2021 9:43 am

raws are on lectormanga but theyre in Spanish so bilingual bitches we can see it early
2 filler sex chapters, then
Prince Maetel says he is locking Lewis in his room for 10 days. (This is mainly to keep lewis from running away lol.) During this 10 days, Prince Maetel published newspaper that 'Lewis is pregnant and they will be getting married soon'!!

lewis is still locked up and has NO clue.
He even gets his belly and RING FINGER measured by the tailor and thinks "why is he measuring my fingers??"

    Arabella18 July 21, 2021 9:52 am

    Where can i read it babe

    Zippy19 July 21, 2021 9:56 am
    Where can i read it babe Arabella18

    Look up: LectorManga "Who is the Boss" !!
    Mangago neverrr lets me post the link, it always gets removed . but lmk if u can't find it- maybe i can put spaces in the link so it stops being detected?

    Arabella18 July 21, 2021 10:58 am
    Look up: LectorManga "Who is the Boss" !!Mangago neverrr lets me post the link, it always gets removed . but lmk if u can't find it- maybe i can put spaces in the link so it stops being detected? Zippy19

    I couldn't find it

    Arabella18 July 21, 2021 10:58 am
    Look up: LectorManga "Who is the Boss" !!Mangago neverrr lets me post the link, it always gets removed . but lmk if u can't find it- maybe i can put spaces in the link so it stops being detected? Zippy19


    Zippy19 July 22, 2021 7:26 am
    ╥﹏╥ Arabella18

    Try this with no spaces

    h t t p s : // f o