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Second read through... Still love this so much!!

Just Here :) July 21, 2021 4:57 pm

Hwi is one of my favourite Seme's to date. He's such a great mix of strong and adorable, with actual respect for Param!
And Param is my favourite Uke in a comedy. His mannerisms and innocence is so sweet. He goes through a lot to get where he is, and having such bad experiences early in life meaning he shut himself off from that side of himself to focus on his career while his body went "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!" It is understandable how he ends up in the situations he does.
Jun is just best girl for life! I love how she's like... "I'm only going to meddle a little." :)
Han, as much as I appreciate his past, and his present behaviour... He can still go fuck himself for not only how he treated Param and making the nicest Uke CRY!! But also for how he treated his past partners. I hope the guy with the earrings finds happiness.

The Side Stories... OMG! I died laughing! I can't wait to see just how much of that shop Param bought. I'm curious to see if he got the tail. hmmm.
The boys were brilliant and I loved it more the second read through!
