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Tash July 21, 2021 10:57 pm

Me in almost every chapter: SAVE HIM
Tbh I forgot my emotions um Suh-hoo is cool I'd actually like him to be with purple hair guy but the guy took it too far so I just like the characters and the couple I would've pissed if he didn't got back his memory back cuz it'd be messed up if he lies to him forever so I'm glad everything worked out and I'm glad I read it the lady who was working for Hyung is sweet I mean she's not that bad if she did anything against the guy from the beginning it'd be useless she's in a life and death situation this maybe rude I think it's rude and offensive but I like Suh-hoo and thought he was gonna have a bf but he's straight anyways I actually thought pink hair guy was the bottom I actually don't know it looks like Wan is bottom tho maybe switch but About Hyung he pushed Wan off the balcony he couldn't died and Wan nearly got raped and he tried to rape his own brother how is he not in jail but I bet if a man stole a chocolate he'd be jail (not a fact) but c'mon how? What if he does the same thing again I usually think the bad guys are hot and all but as it started from rape that guy is a no jail says yes I just enjoyed it(if it sounds offensive tell me) not saying Suh-hoo should change his sexuality just meant I shipped the guy with purple hairs dude but then he turns out to be straight and the guy turns out to be evil
