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Good for you hyuk! Honestly you deserve better than old man Dr. Han. But since you love hi...

12345 July 22, 2021 3:54 am

Good for you hyuk! Honestly you deserve better than old man Dr. Han. But since you love him, let him suffer, cause he needs to attone for his past behavior. You're too good for him!!!! Okay how about you stay together for a couple of years, get some experience, let the relationship run it's course. Then dump his ass for a younger hottie, who treats you as an equal, and adores you as much as you love him. I would read that story in a heart beat! I'm not saying Dr. needs to end up alone, he could end up with his orange hair guy, who he stuck two dicks in without a care in the world. He can end up with him. I'm kidding! But low key serious. Haha!

    12345 July 22, 2021 4:03 am

    Also forgot to mention, he fooled around with a minor!!!!!!!!!!