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big tbh

erisumii July 22, 2021 5:36 am

Yahwi snapped in jooin and cain's apartment like he was someone who paid for their rent or some shit

Then proceeded to threaten jooin like jooin did smth bad when clearly they were not dating. This might not go the way it should but that is rlly toxic and abuser vibes. It's like jooin cheated on him or some shit when from the start it was clearly him putting the walls and making the relationship complicated.

Cain did the right thing stepping in between them when yahwi grabbed jooin. It was what a caring boyfriend would actually do.

Yahwi is NOT gettig away with that shit of a backstory of an excuse. His parents died? ok? im sorry for u? no need to terrorize other people for it??

Team cain all the fucking way. Yahwi is such a prick. If this wasnt a BL webtoon, he's the type to beat the shit out of jooin if he does smth wrong.
