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Wow that was something else!! Talk about a lot of rape and incest. I think the love betw...

dorishpp January 16, 2013 12:24 am

Wow that was something else!! Talk about a lot of rape and incest. I think the love between the brothers was messed up. I am glad that Ryoji is with Shinkawa because it is better for him to get away from his brother. Brothers are supposed to be there for each other not be lovers. So in the end it is great that Yuichi got a piano career in another country away from his brother so his brother can have happiness. Maybe Yuichi will find someone for himself in London! I liked this story! It can show how twisted family can be!!! The art work was nice and the sex scenes were amazing and I hope the rest of this authors work is as good!!! thx D

    (^w^)/) Hi! January 30, 2013 11:48 pm

    well............ some brothers can be lovers (* 3 *)

    soriku yaoi love February 20, 2013 7:01 am

    I just keep thinking "RAPE"...