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I like already the idea, but her way of handling things...i mean...for example..the betray...

Misa_03 July 22, 2021 12:20 pm

I like already the idea, but her way of handling things...i mean...for example..the betrayal of the wife..could not she used something so the wife would suffer while the children not? Because she was the one who cheated, lied and eventually murdered her husband who believed her till his very death? I know money comes first and so on, but at least i want for the wife to suffer so she could understand her wrongdoings. Yeah, there are a lot of aristocrats like that and it is normal, but still if I could I would have solved the situation as well as possible...dont you think so?
The idea is good, and okey that she is hunting after the money. But, this case already pushed me from continuing reading this.
