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So do u think dion loves roxanna or he just wants her attention but in a none sexual way?

Elena July 22, 2021 6:35 pm

So do u think dion loves roxanna or he just wants her attention but in a none sexual way?

    ur stepmom July 22, 2021 7:10 pm

    i think since he hasn't received any affection from anyone when he saw how much she loved her brother when he tried to kill him, he just wants the same. because she literally says unlike the oldest, he doesn't;t want her in a sexual way, and that would've been better than him asking for her affection.

    LatteGratte July 22, 2021 8:06 pm

    When he sees her cry he feels emotion. Like, that’s the only time. So he’s obsessed with her because she can make him feel some sort of emotion. But he doesn’t like her in a sexual way.