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Hasty☄ July 22, 2021 11:15 pm

Before anyone says that he does sexual acts for a living so this isn't too bad... being a camboy on your own accord with a hidden identity and the safety of anonymity is VERY DIFFERENT from being non-consensually put into a hole to be raped by passing strangers, who can easily hurt him, have unprotected sex with him or pass on a disease to him. THIS IS NOT FUNNY. I've said it once and I'll say it again, it's rare to find a Korean author who is actually educated about such triggering matters and is sensitive to their portrayal.

This is not a one shot hentai supposed to serve as pure fap material, this story has us invested in Beom as a person with dreams and aspirations, someone who is more than his perky nipples and attractive body, so this scene of him being put into a helpless position to appease the rape-stuck-in-hole perverts is highly unnecessary because he was already doing his uncle's bidding for whatever new cam concept he had. There was no need for rape. I hope the next chapter doesn't disappoint even further. Really starting to hate manhwas altogether
