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SonOfAnEgg July 23, 2021 1:24 am

Another art manga I can fall in love with. Making a living off of art is really tough. Even if you’re talented, it doesn’t mean you’ll always get the exposure. Sometimes, everything comes down to the politics of it and your connections. I can understand how when someone seems to say lightly “maybe I’ll try to aim for art school too” or “anyone can draw” can be annoying. Those types of things always seemed to be said lightly, and while they aren’t a personal attack and shouldn’t be taken as an intended offensive comment, sometimes it can be hurtful to the artist who always tries to give it their all. Speaking from experience, it can hurt when someone says something like “oh, art is so easy” or “it’s just an art school” like art schools aren’t just as selective as Ivy League colleges and universities, and aren’t equally as hard to get into. Art is something that was created to bring joy and emotions in lives. Art is what makes people feel things, and not all art is moving. Everyone has the ability to create art, but can just anyone create art that moves people? Anyway, man. I just love art mangas. There should be more of them!
