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Eukera not

Sam July 23, 2021 5:26 am

Okay I'm finding a Korean yaoi manhwa okay so you know the uke is broken hearted because if his abusive boyfriend I think or maybe that boyfriend played woth him . So the seme falls for the uke but maybe the uke is playing with his heart but he falls for him too. I don't remember much but uke and seme separate their ways because the uke tells him to you know achieve his goal
and also his like they made promise to each other etc. The uke lives with ex and they had a fight the uke got injury in his head , the ex asks for forgiveness , and the lives with him until he got completely healed and then he says that I wanna leave , I'm going but the ex begs him not to leave but he left. Then one he wandering after giving exams or maybe something like that and the mc and ml met each other . The ex gets depressed but then he asks his sister to take him to USA . So he doesn't get involved in uke's life. It's kinda messed up and my summary's too but please help me. Thanks
