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the blonde girl sucks....

gummibears July 23, 2021 6:46 am

shes really childish involving her gf and i suspect she's targeting the wife's husband only, so to involve the wife in her plan too (when she's innocent) and emotionally manipulate her is weird and toxic.

also shes neglecting her gf for her petty reasons to seek revenge instead of getting therapy. like yea shes hot but shes got baggage

    Kengi July 24, 2021 5:50 am

    There not really together I think she said that

    HimeBrainz July 24, 2021 1:32 pm

    Right this is so..... ugh

    Edenhhhh July 24, 2021 3:08 pm

    i mean thats kind of obvious ?????? and they aren't together