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The updates honestly the updates

aiyaaaaaaaa~ July 23, 2021 9:24 am

It is so dry. Now notifications only rings to replies you left on someone's Ask a question. And yesterday I got this 3 manga updates and It felt new and o o yes I haven't read something I left on reading!!! for I actually was naturally expecting again from the you followed/joined the question notification. Hilarious it is how the updates were so high back some good times before. Why is it hiatus for translation teams too? Or the uploaders actually now quitting on this job because of too much intervention. Any reason it maybe. Only thing I know is the I am reading list is high af and the updates doesn't even count to 2 or 3. This makes so sad for a very solid reason. The algorithm just hits. Anyways have nice reads people. Hope you get great updates. I just wanted to complete reading my highly invested comics.
