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(・◡・) (・◡・)/

imsogayaf July 23, 2021 4:12 pm

It was utterly cute and good!! Even though I want more angst to the parents but still like that slightly pain, for Tou and Ise-sensei that was really kind of unexpected but hey that's not that bad, I really think it was kind of good plot twist tho... Also I was really a bit confused on what the hell's happening like what's that "deal" or kind of "mission" that Kin and Kumo needs to do like I read that panel over 10 times and I think I did get it but I'm really not sure but the translators kind explain it so guess I fully understand what the plot is really and it was really unique for a animalxomegaverse story tho never really anything like this before. The artstyle were really good and the smut scene were very nice like really NICE,,z "deeper" is all I could remember lol (つ≧▽≦)つ anyway there werr really just scene that gave me a "wtf" moments while laughing but yep it is good one, love it.
