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Okay so

Lea July 23, 2021 4:17 pm

It's 7:15 rn and I'm gonna read this manhwa since it's completed(?), hey future me, how was it? How are you feeling? Was it worth not doing your assignment? Are the dudes cute? Is there any hot women? Are you a trans guy? I know you don't want to talk about it but are you tho?

    Lea July 23, 2021 6:14 pm

    9:11 pm now AND GODDAMMIT I LOVE THIS. it was great, I feel so happy but fuxk that so called friend, fuck school this shit is better, the dudes are amazing they're so nice AHHHH, sihoon's cousin is a FINE piece of beauty.i ain't answering the last one.

    memoriesmaze August 31, 2023 3:06 pm
    9:11 pm now AND GODDAMMIT I LOVE THIS. it was great, I feel so happy but fuxk that so called friend, fuck school this shit is better, the dudes are amazing they're so nice AHHHH, sihoon's cousin is a FINE piece... Lea

    i share ur opinions, friend! and good luck on your self exploration journey~