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Oh my

Bigpp July 23, 2021 5:00 pm

The plot is so good, I can’t believe I refuse to read this earlier. The perfect amount of lore and romance making it felt like I was reading a novel not a comic, hence the detail of every conflict characters, and also the region lore. It was magnificent to read, and they convey that in a really neat manner. I’m a sucker for royalty but every fantasy comic I’ve read always includes het relationship (and don’t get me wrong they’re could be good) but I wouldn’t dare to bet my money that they would actually bring the topic of pedophilia done by a person of power in a shojou manga. I’m so sorry for everyone that love reading historical shoujou but they’re all so sugar coated, and too fairy tail like. Maybe it’s the matter of taste, but rather than reading some cinderella isekai I would be rather reading a phenomenon lore heavy game of thrones gay lost sibling.
