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Safe place

Blober4life July 24, 2021 5:08 am

I was using this site for a good three years before I even made an account and it has been my safe place. Some people will say not to read certain manga on here because you need to support the author and I do try my best to support the authors I know of on whatever platform they may be on but I also read those same manga on here because it’s generally easier and I’m not a money tree or a vampire that has all the time in the world. If this site goes down I probably won’t be able to keep up on at least 75% of the manga that I read on here. Yes, I know this contradicts what I said about supporting the author but I’m also not an all knowing sage that knows what’s supposed to be or here and what’s not. At the end of this little rant I just wanted to know if anyone has any other good sites that are similar to this with no ads?! It doesn’t even have to be similar, just something I can read on comfortably. If you don’t want me to share it with anyone else then that’s fine, just let me know. Please and thank you in advance!!
