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Fuck it is so embarrassing seeing comments

Noshame July 24, 2021 7:48 am

For those so called entitled readers who pay the works with "appreciation " posts, shares and stupid tiktok videos , cause they are broke as fuck. Because of your needless appreciation posts spreading on soc media, site that was quite and friendly is getting exposed and bunch of teens in heat coming to throw the tantrums and daring to entitle themselves as the ones who are making author's work famous. You know what? You are not doing a favour? You are literally reading it for free, then stfu and stop throwing your needles negative comments on authors. "Oh the story was already shit" "author is stingy " "we are doing favour by exposing it to audience" the fuck. I cant continue cause of limit of my nerves. And you have no right to complain if author wants their work to be down from this site. Hold your tits and sit down, if you dont want the whole site to get down because of one manhwa, don't say a word about it getting removed from mgg. That s the best contribution you can do for your own and mgg s sake.
