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Olivia July 24, 2021 8:38 am

the prince’s plan wouldn’t actually be bad if he wasn’t the main opposing force so out in the open. even if he did support the other perfumer, he should have done it from behind the scenes and then could have been her investor. then he could have ditched the other perfumer and he would have gotten on her good side. he would just need to deal with keeping the other girl’s mouth shut and the suspicion on why the other perfumer’s shop went out of business so fast, but that could easily just be accredited to the talent and popularity of our girl’s business. he really do be dumb tho. i just came up with that basic process in like 2 min. he needs to freshen up on his critical thinking skills. he said “what’s the smartest way to get girl to like me? be mean. she’ll run into my arms
