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Um- wow, I didn't finish it, I got cringeeee with the speech thing she did, I know that mu...

Jmjjkmkmk July 24, 2021 1:14 pm

Um- wow, I didn't finish it, I got cringeeee with the speech thing she did, I know that must be the cool and accepting part where all of this characters will cheer for the MC and all of them would say,
" gooooo!!!! We support you!!!!!" but I just couldn't get into that atmosphere, the things she said didn't incourge me at all, and If I was a gay man, I would be shock and scared when they will do that to me, and I assume the MC is 15 or 16, do Japanese highschool meet up with a family man and hook up with them, I know, I know this is fiction , but arghhhhh!!!!!, I'm not sure if the MC and the fujoshi got together but if yhey did, that would be unrealistic as shit.
