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As an Artist

Bessem July 24, 2021 1:56 pm

As an artist myself, I know it can be pretty depressing when someone is enjoying your work for FREE. But, what can be done? Most mangas, not only is difficult to get a translation, it’s difficult to reach certain areas of the world. How can we support it, if the company makes it so hard to reach us? I saw many comments saying that, they buy the physical work bc of the piracy in this site. I saw an author himself posting mangas here, bc it was engaging his work. So, what’s the point of it? I doubt it that, a BL mangá would make huge profit in a country homophobic, as Korea, with the fangirls alone. Not only that, no one has the money to spend in each chapter, at least not me that it’s Brazilian and the dollar here is SUPER expensive. How can I read other mangas like this???? So, it makes much more easy to let the piracy alone, bc at the end of the day it makes more benefits to the author than harm

    IWantFood0_ July 24, 2021 2:05 pm

    Thanks for your interesting input! I think it'd be helpful to share this, so people understand that it is not that easy and at the end of the day, both the author and readers profit from it

    Annanih July 24, 2021 2:12 pm

    True, i don't have access to lehzin in my country and even if i do i still can't afford it cuz a dollar in my country can buy me literally a complate meal!

    Aerith July 24, 2021 2:46 pm

    I'm also Brazilian and I can confirm the dollar's price converted to our currency is CRAZY expensive, so people who read illegally isn't the kind of people who could be paying for it, so it wouldn't make a difference for the author. But on the other hand we always encourage people who can pay for it to do so and at the end of the day, people who actually have money and speak english buy the chapters because we talk about it, if it wasn't for that they wouldn't even know about it or wouldn't know if it was worth it. Besides, the language barrier is a real problem. Here in Brazil, the physical manhwa of On or Off is being published legally, in Portuguese, uncensored and in a gorgeous edition. It's extremely successful, people read it before and loved it, as soon as they announced the physical edition those same people RAN to buy it and it was sold off in a flash. So it's not just about the money, it's easy to talk when you are from the US, the price is fair on your currency, you can understand the language, the author isn't a xenophobic among other reasons. We love to support authors whenever we can, but for that to happen it has to be accessable to our currency and language at least, the authors just forget we exist though.