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Just fucking delete this, respect the artists/authors choices. From what I’ve seen it’...

peacheeboke July 24, 2021 4:06 pm

Just fucking delete this, respect the artists/authors choices. From what I’ve seen it’s always the manhwa creators who have a problem w this site (full volume, POTN, yours to claim, etc) and they’re totally entitled to do so. But these manhwas aren’t the only things on this site, don’t ruin this for ppl who can’t afford to get mangas, manhuas, and manhwas(the ones where the creators haven’t said anything or don’t care). Just fucking delete this and move on, but if you need to read these so fucking bad that your life is on the line just fucking buy them at that point, just don’t ruin it for everyone else bc you can’t give up one fucking thing.

    Noshame July 24, 2021 4:11 pm

    Wait for them calling out you a hypocrite because you want it to get deleted and they dont want. Lol. I am agree what you said