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That transition at the ending tho. So fast.... XD like they on speed

Anonymous October 19, 2016 8:54 am

That transition at the ending tho. So fast.... XD like they on speed

    Karai February 7, 2018 11:19 am

    I thought so, too, so I googled the book, read it, and belive me this version is at least coherent and the plot is as logical as manga plot can be. Because the book... the begining is fine, then the danger is closing in on them like in the manga but the ending is awfull, the almost bed scene, grrrrr... to say it is rushed is an understatement. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ For the first time I am tempted to say that the manga is better then the actual book.

    Amita4ever September 2, 2020 6:19 pm
    I thought so, too, so I googled the book, read it, and belive me this version is at least coherent and the plot is as logical as manga plot can be. Because the book... the begining is fine, then the danger is c... @Karai

    I've actually begun to think many (of the better transitioned) manga are better than the novels. Many of the manga artist seem quite adept at tweaking the stories to make them better. Granted, I haven't made a habit of it, but so far I've found 3 out 0f 3 where the manga won IMO.