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Zensoukyoku is the sequel to Yasokyoku in english it is Prelude it is not a manga but it i...

dorishpp January 17, 2013 3:27 am

Zensoukyoku is the sequel to Yasokyoku in english it is Prelude it is not a manga but it is readable in English the ending of them after 6 years at: I think Richard called Shou to that restaurant so that he would miss meeting Takashi at the airport. Which it did work. Like I said you can read the ending to this story on that web site I gave you. I like this story! The art work was ok and I think it could have been better if it had more love scenes explicit love scenes which would made it more exciting!! thx D

    ksb1978 October 23, 2013 5:20 pm

    That link to the website you name is bogus. There's nothing there.

    NICE!!! November 25, 2013 2:04 am

    Thank you for the website. Nice ending, I liked it a lot.

    November October 21, 2014 4:28 pm

    thank you for the link... Yes I agree with you that Richard did it deliberately. Ugh but the ending still not satisfy me enough. Shou had not tell takashi yet that he love him too. And do they get together? what about Suzuna? More over I'm very happy seems like they have a happy ending.. ^^