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Guys please don't cheat to get the scenes, pay up.

Kouhai October 20, 2016 2:47 am

If you want to see sexy scenes all you have to do is donate 1$ a month on Patreon. She updates almost every few days there and it isn't hard or expensive. They work unbelievablely hard on this and even translate every single one of thier comics to english for us on thier own though it isn't thier first language. Stop being greedy.

    misaki-kun October 20, 2016 12:20 pm

    You're absolutely right. I donate $3/month which is less than a damn pumpkin spiced latte!! They email you with each new page and they respond to your comments. It's a really gorgeous,interesting and sexy comic with a cool community of supporters. Donate a damn $1.00 you greedy gremlins!