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When was the last time they updated, does anybody know or when the next one is coming out?

manga is great October 20, 2016 5:46 am

When was the last time they updated, does anybody know or when the next one is coming out?

    勇気 (Yuuki) January 24, 2017 6:20 am

    Hi there, I'm the main translator for this series. We've just recently acquired a new proofreader, who should speed things a long. But if you ever have any questions about our workflow leading into releases, just message me. We do not have a strict deadline policy for our releases, so I unfortunately can give you nothing but the assurance that, yes, we are still actively translating.

    akado29 January 28, 2017 5:34 pm
    Hi there, I'm the main translator for this series. We've just recently acquired a new proofreader, who should speed things a long. But if you ever have any questions about our workflow leading into releases, ju... 勇気 (Yuuki)

    Yuuki, thank you very much for translating this manga!

    Who needs a name January 28, 2017 7:05 pm
    Hi there, I'm the main translator for this series. We've just recently acquired a new proofreader, who should speed things a long. But if you ever have any questions about our workflow leading into releases, ju... 勇気 (Yuuki)

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and for translating the manga!