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I didn't like it really because of the rape and the toxicity of Hermes/Nolans relationship...

Animeluver July 13, 2023 9:46 pm

I didn't like it really because of the rape and the toxicity of Hermes/Nolans relationship with everyone. I feel bad for him because Nolans so called boyfriend is mad he had "sex" ( I did that because it wasn't sex it was rape/tortue) when he should've went straight to comforting him instead of reprimanding Nolan. Nolan deserves more than a possessive controlling guy who scares him. I'm just saying they could've totally done better. Also I hate the fucking boss of the heros for ONCE AGAIN threatening Nolan, who only did what he did to survive. Like damn give my man a break all fuckin ready. The author must've really hated Nolan as a character
