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I never thought I’d live to see the day where I’d be able to discuss on here again.

koomkem July 14, 2023 1:56 am

I think there’s too much affirmation of Touma’s good nature through word of mouth, rather than actions that makes it feel like it’s getting shoved down my throat over how he’s such a kind person. There’s never really an instance of him doing anything particularly selfless or great. I just kinda have to take his friends word for it and Yoshioka’s vulnerable thoughts. He’s actually pretty selfish, his self awareness not helping with making him likeable.
Touma was very pushy, putting his own feelings first over Yoshioka’s, never really giving her any time to sort her feelings out. He just kept pushing and pushing, then avoiding anything that could lead to a conflict.
I feel that people only like him if they see themselves or someone close to them in him or if they’re blinded by the rejection and just want to see Kou get what he deserves for choosing Narumi’s wellbeing over Yoshioka’s love.
