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I think you guys' are missing the point.

Sir donewithyoshit July 14, 2023 3:09 am

Let me reiterate a few things.
You can read this. Hell, you can enjoy it even. Shits weird as hell, I'm not into that, but whatever boo. You do you!
Have your weird fantasies. You're a grown adult allowed to read what you want... I literally don't care. But that's the thing. No one wants to know that you enjoy reading about literal rape. Even if it's fictional? You're enjoying a scene of rape. We don't CARE. It's taboo and looked down upon for a reason. Youjust gotta know that people are gonna be weirded out and say something. So.
I'll agree to disagree. End of discussion. So there. Good for you!
At least acknowledge that it's rape and not sex. Enjoy the rest of your story.

What pisses ME off and the point you're not getting is the ''stop reading it then," "It's just sex," "why read it?", and "it's JUST fiction". Y'all will pull every excuse out of your ass to defend him. THAT is what's funny. Why defend a rapist, fictional or not? It's still rape.

Rape doesn't = sex.
I KNOW it's fiction but I'm curious to see how this shit show ends. Why do you care why I'm reading it? Do I have to like it? It's gonna be so humorous to see what poor excuse the author had to make him this way, I wanna see how this dumpsterfire ends. It's so BAD, it's interesting to read. Get it?

I'm allowed to hate the character, he rapes Dan every chapter. I'm allowed to comment my disgust. I'm allowed to have my opinion. What's funny is how you'll go balls deep and fight to defend him and fight us on the comments. That shit is so fking funny.
Why defend? Why. I still don't have a good answer from any of you. Why.
Also, the promotion of rape being downplayed as 'sex' and that it's okay IS concerning. Rape is an absolute no and nobody deserves it. Know that it's rape. Do the bare minimum at least.

So, again. Block my valid ass and move on if it bothers you THAT much that it makes you write essays against my silly comments hating on a fictional character. I'm not hurting nobody or their feelings. (Although, actual reasons as to why you're defending a fictional bastard, that make sense, would be interesting to read. I'm genuinely curious, but I haven't heard anything reasonable or new).
Why respond? You're annoyed? Ignore and block me then. :)
You disagree with what I'm saying? Re-read the above.
Thank you.

It's funny as hell seeing the hate comments Mr eyebrows get, we bonding over his goofy ass being dragged, let us hate this SS tier toxic red flag. He and Seungho would be best friends LMAO people hate on characters all the time. It's nothing new.

    Nikki July 14, 2023 5:58 am

    Preach. You are so eloquent. My medicated ass could never. I agree lets get along! Love it or hate it~