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Tf is wrong with everyone in here? FL was abused from a young age yet everyone expected he...

Nanayurina (novel writer) July 15, 2023 3:31 am

Tf is wrong with everyone in here? FL was abused from a young age yet everyone expected her to act normal? If you can't fking stand weak FL then go fking read somewhere else, no need to say shit about it because you aren't much better than shit if you complain without even using your brain. She's acting like her abused self no need to change if she doesn't want to. If you never went through it you won't understand. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 Go get a life bruh

    MagicalReader July 21, 2023 7:42 pm

    Right! It so annoying there like this with Cinderella too and it pisses me off. They can't turn off there modern goggles it's based on medieval, ancient, or Victorian. Not all abused victims act the same and in her case there was no one to teach her, she was isolated so how would she know read and interact with people without expecting pain or some harsh retort. Like hello her parents didn't want her to be smart they selling her to king like cattle. Which isn't shocking that back in those timed they were really selling there daughters for resources.