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Oh it's one of those comics

Luna October 21, 2016 7:56 pm

Well I'm gonna enjoy seeing how this turns out. These men vs women and separate worlds. It really makes you wonder where kids come from if boys have never seen women?
Lets see what happens.

    EMILIA21 October 25, 2016 12:12 am

    i was thinking the same thing!

    Luna October 25, 2016 12:23 am
    i was thinking the same thing! EMILIA21

    I mean I've seen one show that worked. Boys were all made in factories with the DNA two men that liked each other gave. Like in those big tubes and such. It's never seen but it's the only thing I can think off in a Futuristic space anime. Then the woman had babies through insemination. The woman who would be Father gave her egg to the woman to be Mother and give birth.
    There was even a part in that anime where a young man helped a pregnant woman give birth to her child in an elevator. First time seeing lady parts and how babies are born to women. He fainted I think afterwards.
    In the end though I believe he and another young lady got together and had the first child born between a man and woman in like 100 years. In fact the hero was the last child born apparently and he was put on ice when he was a baby, but then woke up somehow. It was a great little show.
    Just watch, in this comic women capture men for sex and reproduction or something and boys are sent away, but girls remain. it's the only thing I can think of right now.

    Mana October 25, 2016 5:23 pm
    I mean I've seen one show that worked. Boys were all made in factories with the DNA two men that liked each other gave. Like in those big tubes and such. It's never seen but it's the only thing I can think off ... Luna

    Wow what is the anime or show you were talking about called it seems really interesting ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Luna October 25, 2016 7:23 pm
    Wow what is the anime or show you were talking about called it seems really interesting ヾ(☆▽☆) Mana

    It's called Vandread. Three men and a space ship filled with women that need to learn to get along and learn from each other. If your interested in comedy and mild fan service your good! The music, animation, and CGI is rather good, I highly recommend this show. The manga is hard to find and it and the anime are to separate things.

    annonie October 26, 2016 3:07 pm
    I mean I've seen one show that worked. Boys were all made in factories with the DNA two men that liked each other gave. Like in those big tubes and such. It's never seen but it's the only thing I can think off ... Luna


    Luna October 26, 2016 3:13 pm

    IKR! I LOVE THAT ANIME TOO! IT"S AWESOME! I've re-watched that anime so many times I've lost count!

    Anonymous June 15, 2017 3:50 pm
    I mean I've seen one show that worked. Boys were all made in factories with the DNA two men that liked each other gave. Like in those big tubes and such. It's never seen but it's the only thing I can think off ... Luna

    In reality, women can create their own sperm cells

    Anonymous June 15, 2017 3:51 pm
    I mean I've seen one show that worked. Boys were all made in factories with the DNA two men that liked each other gave. Like in those big tubes and such. It's never seen but it's the only thing I can think off ... Luna

    In reality, women can create their own sperm cells of their bone marrow, so they capture men only for sexual pleasure