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Sir donewithyoshit July 15, 2023 7:36 pm

THIS is so damn good (so far). We have a confident and amazing FL who does what she can for what she believes in and a badass, cute, and dangerous vampire ml.

I'm just worried about the ending cause it appears from comments most don't like it... I hope it is at least tolerable

    Idk ._. July 16, 2023 2:04 am

    listen to the comments the ending is shitty. ive just finished rereading it cause ive never seen the ending but i regret finishing it ngl. imma just imagine a different ending in my head instead.

    Sir donewithyoshit July 16, 2023 3:52 am
    listen to the comments the ending is shitty. ive just finished rereading it cause ive never seen the ending but i regret finishing it ngl. imma just imagine a different ending in my head instead. Idk ._.

    Thank you so much. Man, that sucks.

    I'm really loving the story so much though dang. Super curious, but not enough for spoilers; I think I gotta put myself through the pain to see the end. Experience it first hand yk?

    I'll join you soon in imagining a better ending, bro.

    B00 July 20, 2023 9:05 am
    listen to the comments the ending is shitty. ive just finished rereading it cause ive never seen the ending but i regret finishing it ngl. imma just imagine a different ending in my head instead. Idk ._.

    I wish I knew this has had such a dog shit ending before cause the amount of anger I felt after chapter 60 was insane and without the comment section I never could vent how bad the ending was