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Down the rabbit hole

LilTinyVamp July 16, 2023 12:07 pm

Oh God she's drunk on her obsession with Hijiri and now that they've gone *this* far, even if it's just kisses, she's gone far far down the rabbit hole. She's totally trapped by him now.
I wonder though, if Saisako is the mock turtle, then maybe he'll take Kanoko to the caterpillar, like in McGee's Alice. In other words, maybe he'll bring her to someone who will enlighten her to the truth about Hijiri. Or he's just a miserable schmuck and that's the reference.
Btw I am ~loving~ the recent Alice in Wonderland references.

    Moonbeam August 21, 2023 6:58 pm

    Yeah, it feels like a messed up fairy tale, doesn't it! I like the references too.