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great!! funky comments though

Langria July 17, 2023 6:19 am

topics are back and i can finally talk about how much i like this manga :}

its a really fresh concept imo, and the plot development so far is going great

about the comments:

1) the girls in this manga are in no way, shape, or form romantic interests, why so pressed LMAOO and theyre not useless either; not surprised the commenter has some *criticism* about this though since they shit talk every manga LOLL

2) realism? like.. its a manga about someone who transmigrated? that forsure already isnt realistic LOL also, when was mc not "showing any feelings at all"? if you read the 2nd chapter before going straight to the comments, youd know he wasnt really a farmer LMFAO and he did show emotions like fear before attempting to adjust to reality
