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Still can't remember the title

LunaRuby July 19, 2023 7:33 am

I can ask questions again! Anyway, I have been looking for this manga on and off for years. It starts with an offline meetup for crossdressers. The three people who show up are in middle/high school and are crossdressing for different reasons. There's a boy who is dressing as his dead sister because she was their mother's favorite and the mother became unstable after her death, a boy with glasses who is crossdressing and acting out sexually as a way of coping with being sexually assaulted when he was a young child, and a "boy" who is realizing that she is transgender and soon starts to transition. There is also a love triangle. The boy with the dead sister falls in love with the transgender girl, who falls in love with the glasses boy, who falls in love with the boy with the dead sister.
