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The ex is TRASH!!!!!!!

Sunshine July 21, 2023 9:33 am

I guess in a stand point you are with someone who you think is as deeply in love with you as you are to them but that wasn't the case so you break up with them and you take longer to move on than they do cuz you were completely in love with them while they never really took you as someone serious and viewed you as a s*x toy in the end so finding other people is easier for them.

My point just being that we might just keep seeing Sojoong moping over the ex for further more chapters in the series and see the ex with some other dudes which s*ck cuz I really dont want to see the ex consistently pop up when I just want Sojoong to find someone else and move on. O how I wish Sojoong would just get over the ex already that ex is LITERAL HUMAN GARBAGE. I just hope the ex is not endgame yes they were not together so it's not cheating but I will label him as TRASH. The least the ex could of done was to tell Sojoong that he WILL without a doubt be seeing other people along with Sojoong and not keep wanting to meet other people a secret from Sojoong. The TRASH knew after sleeping with Sojoong, Sojoong would think they were back together and he was right so he knew and knows Sojoong still wants him back but disregards Sojoong's feelings. Yes the ex has rights to decline being in a relationship with Sojoong again and Sojoong is not entitled to it either but why STRING someone who you know has feelings for you and keep them as back up for when YOU'RE BORED that scene hurt F*CKING TRASH F*CKING LITERAL HUMAN GARBAGE I TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe if things were cleared and the ex did voice that they wanted to see other people along with Sojoong and Sojoong AGREED to it I would find Sojoong to be a f*cking Idiot who deserved that restroom scene so Sojoong can move on but that didn't happen and Sojoong didn't deserve that restroom scene I lost any and all sort of respect for the f*cking ex. And wished Sojoong was more daring and tried something with the guys brother in the theater for pay back but he is so not like that and is a love stuck fool who will always be bound to being the only one getting hurt in all aspects and I think that is what we will keep seeing which is so frustrating (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
