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"MAKE YOURSELF UNRECOGNIZABLE!!" *Puts on one tiny fake beard* "perfect." would have expe...

BaconRaptor July 22, 2023 8:46 am

*Puts on one tiny fake beard*

would have expected sth more from someone who's job included it to disguise themselves properly

    Kamiyadori July 23, 2023 1:26 pm

    Lmaoo he's so bad at disguises! His first one was literally the same mustache and a hat!

    BaconRaptor July 23, 2023 1:45 pm
    Lmaoo he's so bad at disguises! His first one was literally the same mustache and a hat! Kamiyadori

    I mean.. it works with superman and his glasses, so maybe that beard is enough

    Kamiyadori July 24, 2023 5:39 pm
    I mean.. it works with superman and his glasses, so maybe that beard is enough BaconRaptor

    lol true.