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Looking for a manga

stinkyfrenchy July 22, 2023 10:07 pm

I’m looking for a manga, probably BL, where one of the characters’, like main character, mother hung herself on a tree, and she used to say mc would be stuck in this cursed town or something like that held

    stinkyfrenchy July 22, 2023 10:09 pm

    Also please recommend some BLs (mangas) like kimi wa natsu no naka’s author works or Endou-kun no kansetsu nikki

    toilet terrorist July 22, 2023 10:18 pm

    Author of 'Pink Sugar Jam' and Dekoboko Sugar Days' have very good mangas in general. 'Dekoboko Bittersweet Days' is the sequel and its similar to 'kimi wa natsu no naka' with the angst lol.

    Eli July 22, 2023 10:33 pm

    therapy game? mc's mother hangs herself from a tree next to the elementary school after her husband cheats on her and she says something like "you'll never be able to show your face in this town again" to her kids

    stinkyfrenchy July 22, 2023 11:05 pm
    therapy game? mc's mother hangs herself from a tree next to the elementary school after her husband cheats on her and she says something like "you'll never be able to show your face in this town again" to her k... Eli

    Tysm idk how I forgot, it’s literally one of my favs

    stinkyfrenchy July 22, 2023 11:07 pm
    Author of 'Pink Sugar Jam' and Dekoboko Sugar Days' have very good mangas in general. 'Dekoboko Bittersweet Days' is the sequel and its similar to 'kimi wa natsu no naka' with the angst lol. toilet terrorist

    Thanks for the recs but I’ve read all of them sadly, do you have anything close to depth of field then? It’s kinda fhe same type of manga so if you have a whole list with whatever trope this is