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I’m looking for a manga help pls

PatatoGuy July 24, 2023 2:46 am

(BL manga) (uke had an apartment) ┗( T﹏T )┛
What I remember for sure:

Was a Reuniting manga for sure and yes, they did the deed but not right away (in the later chaptersi think they did it but I don’t know for sure cause I didin’t finish reading it T-T)

Seme: tall and blonde hair

Uke: not as tall as seme but not short and has black hair (uke also likes cameras or taking pictures)

One part of story I remember happening for sure:
(uke takes picture of seme smiling at him and realizes that seme likes him.)

(When he didn’t become a photographer he felt ashamed or embarrassed and didn’t want to see seme, I think)

(I am pretty sure another thing that happens is that when uke and seme were younger(I think in high school, might be wrong) uke want to become a photographer but didn’t do it or didn’t make it, something like that)

Other things that may have happened but not for sure:
(I think uke and seme reunite though being neighbors at a apartment complex (might not be a apartment complex)

(Almost certain 99% that this takes place during adulthood because uke wanted to be photographer but failed or couldn’t but not 100% sure)
