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Help me find this

Yena July 24, 2023 5:07 am

Looking for BL:

A manga. A couple are on a train station and they were seen kissing by a girl who likes one of them. It was snowing(?) She found out the hard way that the person she likes was already with someone. It was in the last chapter (ch5?)

The characters were blond and black haired. It actually was a pretty cute manga. I think it was Highschool/College life. Its been 2 years of looking for it i still cant find it

    iloveyourmom July 24, 2023 5:16 am

    is it "my perverted stalker"? i went digging bc i wanted to help you

    Yena July 24, 2023 5:31 am
    is it "my perverted stalker"? i went digging bc i wanted to help you iloveyourmom

    it isnt But thank you for the effort! It was actually really fluffy, a cute manga. The girl was also reallt accepting.

    peepoo26 July 24, 2023 7:28 am

    uhhhh is it chapter 5 of ??
    idk bcs it wasn't snowing.... but they were at a train station at the end I think...... I don't think this is it