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i still dont rlly have a full grasp of the story but all i know is that SETH BEST BOY!!!! ...

hani July 26, 2023 4:58 am

i still dont rlly have a full grasp of the story but all i know is that SETH BEST BOY!!!! i know he killed thousands of humans but it was all fucking osiris' fault and partly of isis' too (gosh i hate these fcking gods) he's also dwelling and suffering for those mistakes now. AND ALSO, WHY TF IS HE ALWAYS BEING RAPED ??!!! that latest chapters really did seth dirty and horrible i wanna cry man he just wanted to live a normal, happy family life please.

update: oh. OHHH. anubis is so cute TAT (idk if thats the word you'd use to someone who nearly killed seth and had tentacles come off his head but idc he's cute) lmao and look at horus being all jealous. poor him </3 man's been patient and all but he just cant win the red hair beauty im crying

    fwopfwop July 26, 2023 4:59 am

    He has a lot of competition KEKEKEKEE