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My curiosity lead me here

Sassy9 July 27, 2023 6:37 am

I am done with myself! I can't believe I am reading a story about bugs and insects and actually enjoying it (´ー`)ノ
It was surprisingly well written, Kiji was really creepy for 3 episodes straight. I was on edge the whole time in case it took a weird turn but thanks author for not showing the fertilization process and left it like that. It's a happy ending for them I guess but they didn't explain what the insects were trying to achieve or where they came from? gosh it's so weird to ask this question (T▽T) Maybe it's okay to end it here, I am glad they didn't turn kiji and ogeha into a couple and I didn't had to witness insects sex that's all I'm happy about ヽ(;▽;)ノ
